The Art of Discernment: Walking in Spiritual Partnership with God

The Art of Discernment: Walking in Spiritual Partnership with God

January 23, 20245 min read

I always say the voice of God sounds like a thought that comes up from your heart, not down from your head.” - April Snook

A Personal Journey into Hearing God's Voice

Greetings, dear readers. Lindsy and I recently had the honor of hosting April Snook on our podcast, where we explored a subject dear to her heart: hearing from God and the critical role of discernment within the Christian community. As the host of "How to Do Life with God," April has dedicated years to simplifying complex spiritual concepts into actionable steps, and she's eager to impart some of that wisdom to you.

The Foundation of Discernment

April's work in ministry and her lifestyle brand, Jesus People Co., has convinced her that discernment is not merely a spiritual gift but an essential practice for all believers. It involves attuning oneself to the Holy Spirit and acknowledging the partnership we share with God as we face life's challenges.

She recalls a defining moment when she felt compelled to attempt to raise someone from the dead. It was a true test of discernment, and in the end, she heard a voice advising her against it. This incident highlighted the importance of being in sync with the Holy Spirit and practicing righteousness. It's about learning from missed opportunities and realizing that discernment is like a muscle that requires regular strengthening.

The Practicality of Hearing from God

Raised in a Christian household, April learned to identify God's voice by watching others and immersing herself in the Scriptures. It's vital to commune with Him, not out of duty but from a place of authentic connection. She shares a memory from her childhood when, while singing, a simple thought, "I love you," emerged from her heart, teaching her to differentiate between emotions and intellect.

This lesson has stayed with her into adulthood, leading to activities like the one at a women's shelter where she asked attendees to pick objects and then listened for prophetic words from the Holy Spirit. It's about discerning the origin of our thoughts and ensuring they are in harmony with God's Word.

Engaging the Imagination

April believes one of the most enchanting elements of our faith is the childlike use of imagination. She encourages believers to ask God to reveal a vision of His love and to be attentive to His response. This approach is biblically grounded, as seen in the book of Jeremiah, where God instructs Jeremiah to see in the spirit through the eyes of his heart.

For those looking for tangible ways to hear from God, April suggests starting by requesting a vision of His love and jotting down the ensuing heart-driven thoughts. It's also helpful to ask God where to read in the Bible and to listen for His guidance.

Journaling and Relationship

April finds journaling to be a potent method for documenting the thoughts and visions received from the Lord. It's crucial to discern whether these are heart-felt or cerebral. But before we attempt to hear from God, we must first ensure we have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Trusting in God's Provision

Through everyday experiences, like when her family faced financial strain, April has learned to trust in God's direction. With only $30 to spend on groceries, she turned to Psalm 103 and felt led by the Lord to list her desired foods, despite her skepticism. She wrote down items like lamb and shrimp, and to her amazement, she found shrimp at a price she could afford at the store, and the kindness of the staff was a testament to God's care. This taught her that our limits are often self-imposed and that God is concerned with our daily needs.

Eternal Life in the Present Moment

Reflecting on April's narrative, Brandon and Lindsy emphasized the importance of pursuing intimacy with God over material gains. Eternal life is about the depth of our relationship with God, not just a distant promise. It's about experiencing His presence and guidance in the present.

Preparing for Greater Responsibilities

Mastering the ability to discern God's voice in minor matters sets us up for more significant responsibilities. While supernatural experiences like witnessing angels and demons can be thrilling, the real importance lies in our elevated status in Christ. It's about acknowledging the indwelling Holy Spirit and the change it brings about.

Delighting in the Lord

Delighting in the Lord means concentrating on and beholding Him, whether in physical or mental form. Deliberate interaction with God can lead to simple yet profound shifts in our attitudes and actions. It's about retraining our minds to be in tune with the reality of hearing God's voice.

A Call to Intentional Living

April urges you one to affirm your capacity to hear from God and to distance yourself from dissenting voices. She prays for your spiritual ears and eyes to be opened to perceive and comprehend God more clearly. Remember, the path of intentional living is brimming with chances to connect with God in every facet of life.

For those interested in diving deeper into these subjects, April invites you to tune into her podcast and engage with her on social media. Let's continue to navigate our spiritual journeys with discernment, righteousness, and obedience, always striving to hear from our benevolent Father.

Thank you for accompanying us on this exploration of hearing from God. May your path be enriched by His presence and direction.

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