Exploring the Charismatic Movement: A Deep Dive with Dr. Craig Keener

Exploring the Charismatic Movement: A Deep Dive with Dr. Craig Keener

March 04, 20244 min read

"Prophetic type activity should continue and characterize this age, and to truncate that is actually to truncate one of the major arguments in the New Testament for Jesus' exaltation as Lord." - Dr. Craig Keener

Just recently, I had the privilege of engaging in a fascinating conversation with Dr. Craig Keener, a renowned scholar with a Ph.D. from Duke University, specializing in New Testament Christian origins. Dr. Keener, who has written extensively on miracles, joined my co-host Lindsy and me to delve into the intriguing topics of cessationism and continuationism within the charismatic movement. In this blog post, I'm excited to share the insights and lessons from our discussion, offering a rich exploration of these theological concepts.

The Journey from Atheism to Charismatic Belief

 Our episode kicked off with an introduction to Dr. Keener's impressive background and his journey from atheism to a charismatic believer. His powerful encounter with the Holy Spirit and subsequent experience with speaking in tongues marked a pivotal moment in his life, leading him to embrace charismatic beliefs. This personal testimony set the stage for our in-depth exploration of the biblical foundation of continuationism.

 Challenging Skepticism: The Case for Miracles

One of the most compelling parts of our conversation was Dr. Keener's critique of the philosophical arguments against miracles, particularly those of David Hume. Dr. Keener dissected Hume's skepticism, underscoring the historical evidence supporting the existence of miracles. This segment was a testament to the importance of critical thinking and the need to question widely accepted philosophical stances.

The Biblical Basis for Continuationism

Dr. Keener's expertise shone through as he discussed the scriptural support for the continuation of spiritual gifts, referencing key passages such as Acts 2:17-18. He made a persuasive argument against cessationism, the belief that certain spiritual gifts ceased after the apostolic age, by highlighting the ongoing nature of the Spirit's outpouring throughout the age between Jesus' first and second coming.

 Prophecy, Teaching, and the Balance of Spiritual Gifts

 A particularly enlightening moment was when Dr. Keener addressed the concern that post-biblical prophecy might conflict with scripture. He pointed out the historical presence of prophecy and its harmonious existence with scripture as it was being written. Moreover, he challenged the inconsistency of accepting the gift of teaching while rejecting prophecy, emphasizing that the primary purpose of prophecy is edification, not the introduction of new doctrine.

 Honoring the Gifts and the Giver

 Our discussion naturally progressed to the balance between focusing on the gifts and the giver. Dr. Keener shared a personal anecdote about being overwhelmed with work and being reminded of the importance of his relationship with God. This led to a broader conversation about the purpose of spiritual gifts and the need to honor both the gifts and the giver.

 Witnessing Miracles in the Modern World

Dr. Keener's personal experiences with miracles added a profound dimension to our conversation. He recounted witnessing a woman's healing and a prayer for rain being answered, which sparked a discussion on the definition of miracles and the prevalence of other “powers” also in today's world.

Transformative Power: The Story from Indonesia

One of the most impactful stories shared by Dr. Keener was about his student from Indonesia, who sent him photographs of baptisms in a mountainous region where 28 witch doctors had converted to Christianity. This powerful testament to the transformative power of God's work was a highlight of our episode.

As we wrapped up our episode, Lindsy and I expressed our gratitude to Dr. Keener for his time and the impact his work has had on our understanding of the scriptures. We also discussed the valuable resources available on his website and YouTube channel, which offer over 300 videos on various biblical topics, providing accessible education to those outside of seminary.


In conclusion, our conversation with Dr. Keener was a profound journey through the theological and practical aspects of cessationism and continuationism within the charismatic tradition. His insights and personal anecdotes contributed to a deeper understanding of these concept.

 I hope this blog post has provided you with a comprehensive overview of our enlightening discussion with Dr. Keener. For those interested in delving deeper into the charismatic movement and the ongoing manifestation of spiritual gifts, I encourage you to listen to the full podcast episode.

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