Embracing the Outcasts: A Heartfelt Call to Action for the Church

Embracing the Outcasts: A Heartfelt Call to Action for the Church

January 04, 20243 min read

"Was it the people who were there consistently, who loved you and told you the truth because they earned the right to tell you the truth?"- Brandon Spain

A Childhood Myth and Its Deeper Implications

Remember how as kids, we'd squeal and scatter at the mention of "cooties"? It was a playful, yet exclusionary game where we'd alienate our peers for having these imaginary germs. As I reflected on this childhood notion, I drew a compelling parallel to the current state of the church. Chaos and division  often plagues our congregations, especially during times when unity should prevail, like the holiday season.

A Conviction to Pursue the Overlooked

I recounted a personal admonition I received about ministering to the "fringy" people—those on the edges of society who are often overlooked or avoided. This struck a chord with me. It's easy to fall into the trap of only engaging with those who fit neatly within our circles, but the call to follow Jesus is a call to love everyone, especially the marginalized.

Love and Compassion: The Characteristics of Jesus' Ministry

This is a passionate plea for Christians to show love and compassion to those who may not know Jesus. Let’s point out a crucial mistake that many believers make: expecting non-believers to act like Jesus without first demonstrating His love and grace. The challenge laid before us is clear—we must stop critiquing and judging and instead focus on loving people with the truth without beating them over the head with scripture.

Earning the Right to Speak Truth

One of the most impactful points is the idea of earning the right to speak truth into someone's life. This is done by consistently showing love and care, building relationships, and establishing trust. It's about embodying the love of Jesus in our everyday interactions, not just preaching it from any “pulpit.”

From Old Testament Avoidance to New Testament Embrace

There is a powerful parallel between the Old Testament instruction to stay away from lepers and Jesus' radical approach of running to, embracing, and healing them. This serves as a stark reminder of how the church should engage with the world. We are called to love as Jesus loved, to pursue the lost and the hurting with everything we have.

The Transformative Power of Love and Compassion

The message is clear and resonant: the transformative power of love and compassion cannot be overstated. As the church, we must move beyond mere head knowledge of doctrine and put love into practical action. This is how we embody the love and grace of Christ, reaching out to those who may feel marginalized or overlooked.

In conclusion, this is a call to action for believers to live out the love and compassion of Jesus in a tangible way. As we reflect on this message, let's commit to being pursuers of those on the fringes, carriers of grace, and embodiments of Christ's love to everyone we meet. Let's not just talk about love; let's live it out in our daily lives.


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