From Darkness to Divine Light

From Darkness to Divine Light: The Janice Callahan Story

February 05, 2024•4 min read

“ I had this revelation by looking at my hand and it being transparent that we're a spirit, a soul, and a body. â€ť - Janice Callahan

A Journey of Transformation

Hello! đź‘‹ -I'm thrilled to share with you a deeply personal and transformative journey that was discussed on a recent episode of our podcast. Our guest, Janice Callahan, opened up about her life's trials and tribulations, culminating in a near-death experience that forever altered her path.

The Struggle of Early Years

Janice's story begins with a tumultuous childhood, marked by instability and a sense of neglect. She grew up feeling like the black sheep of the family, which sowed seeds of insecurity and a yearning to forge her own identity. This longing led her down a perilous road, one where she sought visibility and validation through a dangerous lifestyle. 

The Facade of Success

Despite achieving what many would consider the hallmarks of success—a six-figure income, a car, a house—Janice was internally crumbling. She candidly shared the dichotomy of her existence: outwardly prosperous, yet inwardly screaming for help. Her life was a balancing act on the edge of a knife, with substance abuse, particularly methamphetamine, playing a central role.

The Night That Changed Everything

 Janice recounted a harrowing night that brought her to the brink of death. Amidst a party fueled by drugs and promiscuity, she suffered a severe reaction to a combination of methamphetamine and marijuana. This reaction triggered not just a physical breakdown but a spiritual disconnection that saw her spirit hovering between worlds.

 An Encounter with the Divine

 In her most vulnerable moment, Janice experienced an otherworldly realm. She spoke of angelic beings and a profound encounter with a loving presence she identified as Jesus. This experience was a turning point, igniting a spiritual awakening and a quest for a deeper connection with The Divine.

Seeking Spiritual Truth

 As Janice's narrative unfolded, she delved into her pilgrimage to find a church that resonated with her newfound faith. She and I, along with my co-host Lindsy, engaged in a heartfelt discussion about the constraints of institutionalized religion and the essence of a true spiritual connection.

 The Physicality of the Divine

Janice's near-death experience was not just a spiritual revelation; it was also a sensory immersion. She described the intense joy and heightened reality of the divine realm, a stark contrast to her previous life's struggles.

A Message of Love and Responsibility

 Throughout her ordeal, Janice felt a profound sense of duty to love and speak truth to the souls she encountered in the divine realm. This sense of purpose has since translated into her earthly mission.

Transformation and Skepticism

Janice's transformation was palpable, yet it was met with skepticism from some traditional churchgoers. Nevertheless, she found solace and affirmation in the scriptures, which became a source of healing and identity.

 The Importance of Experiential Faith

 Our conversation with Janice underscored the importance of encountering God beyond mere doctrinal understanding. We discussed the need for holistic experiences that saturate one's being and the challenge of overcoming ignorance within religious institutions.

 A Life Dedicated to Service: Ministry Through Testimony

 Janice's near-death experience was not the end but the beginning of her ministry. She has since dedicated herself to reconciling relationships, aiding those in addiction, and supporting trafficked and exploited women. Her belief in the power of sharing personal testimonies is a testament to the impact one's story can have on others.

 A Call to Love and Oneness

 In closing, Janice emphasized the significance of Jesus' prayer in John 17 and the unity it calls for among believers. She shared her vision of a ministry rooted in deep love and guided by the teachings of Jesus.

An Invitation to the Divine

 As we wrapped up the episode, Janice offered a prayer for our listeners, encouraging them to seek the goodness of God.  Her story is a beacon of hope, a reminder that no matter how far one strays, the path to redemption and divine love is always within reach.


Janice's journey from the depths of despair to the embrace of The Divine is a powerful narrative of faith, resilience, and the transformative power of divine love. It's a story that I am honored to have shared with our listeners and now with you, my readers. May it inspire you to seek your own encounters with Our Father and to live a life of profound love and purpose.

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